A downloadable game

This game is meant for testing music lock open mechanics within a bigger tabletop music educational game. In a game you can test your essential rhythm skills by following a pattern of notes.


It’s a bit hard to install. 


  1. You need download and install miniAudicle https://chuck.stanford.edu/release/
  2. If you don’t have separate audio interface and midi keyboard, you need loopMidi https://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/loopmidi.html . You need to install it, run and add a new port. 
  3. In a game .zip file you’ll find a script “LockOpenerChuckBase_03.ck”. Open it with miniAudicle . 
  4. miniAudicle opens 3 windows, it should look like this. You need to start VirtualMachine by pressing a button on the Virtual Machine window. Then press big green “+” button on miniAudicile window. The Virtual Machine window should start 4 processes as it is shown on pic.
    1. If not take a look at the console window it should provide you with an error description. More likely it couldn’t find midi port. Open a Window/Device
    2. Check if you have a midi input port and what is number of it
    3. If you have a port,  enter its number at line 11 of code opposite to “ => int mididevice;” Then try again to press the big green “+” button. 
  5.  Run OSCTest.exe 
  6. If you have a midi controller and audio interface you need to change audio device to ASIO in miniAudicile  Edit/Preferences/Audio
  7. You need to check for your midi device you have in Window/Device Browser/ and enter appropriate number at line 11 of code opposite to “ => int mididevice;”
  8. UPD: I forgot to mention that you'll need make a "Wavs"" directory in the directory where you put *.ck file and save "SB_01-WaterphoneTickHigh.wav" file into it, or you can use any other wav file but you need to change line 188 in script accordinly.

If you don’t have a midi keyboard you are playing using keys between “Q” and “U” in a piano pattern, as shown on screen. Latin numbers shows a digit of semiton such as “I” is C (press Q), “IV” is D# (press 3) 

UI Graphics by https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/icons/steampunkui-238976


LockOpenerChuckBase_03.ck 10 kB
CatSecret.zip 284 MB
SB_01-WaterphoneTickHigh.wav 47 kB

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